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New Research Leverages AI/ML and Sensor Technologies

HealthIT Answers
March 14, 2024

By Dr. Frank Fornari, Chairman and Founder, BioMech Health

AI-driven advances in clinical motion analysis helps grow the body of evidence on the efficacy of activity-based therapies for Parkinson’s disease.

While physical activity, physical therapy, and structured exercise have long been considered effective treatments for Parkinson’s disease, their efficacy has been difficult to scientifically establish due to the inability to measure changes in key functional motion indicators like gait and overall balance – which has, in turn, hampered patients’ motivation to adhere to these therapies as part of their treatment. Not to mention the relationship between physical activity and current pharmacological treatment of Parkinson’s disease, which remains a significant question mark without data to support or refute medication efficacy.

However, recent advances in clinical motion analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and wearable medical devices are finally filling in the evidentiary blanks, with several studies suggesting the relationship between physical activity and functional performance among patients with Parkinson’s disease is significant.

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